Slickforce Studio



Need retouching in volume?

Slickforce offers special pricing for our corporate accounts.

We currently retouch thousands of photos every month for magazines, books, and websites.

Upgrade your image today!



Retouching is an art. And by definition, that means there's a lot of bad retouching out there.

At SlickforceStudio, you have access to the best retouching in the business. And if you think retouching isn't for you, consider this: any photo you've seen of your favorite celebrity in a magazine, movie poster, or billboard has been thoroughly retouched, from head to toe. You want that same edge too, don't you?

You always want your audience to see the best possible you. And if your agent or manager has told you to avoid retouching at all costs, ask yourself if you woud rather look like the reality-TV you or the movie-star you? Every commercial, video, or print ad you ever do will have hair, make-up, camera filters, and digital color-correction. Most music videos retouch their women frame-by-frame. Your photos should showcase you at the top of your game.

Now, relax. We don't do cheesy, blurred-skin, cyborg-quality retouching. In fact, we invented a whole new set of techniques based on our clients needs. In fact, we dare you to throw something at us that we can't fix.

Bad skin, surgery scars, wrinkles, stretchmarks (yes, we said it), ashi-ness (now you know we're not playing), and a few techniques that are so top-secret, we'd have to kill you if we told you. You won't believe how good you will look. Visit our FAQs for more info.

Wanna Retouch


Slickforce Studio
530 S. Lake Ave.
Suite 601
Pasadena, CA 91101


213.489.9309 Phone


213.745.5858 Fax
